Regional Talent Recruitment & Attraction Initiatives

Attracting and Retaining Talent

In Gwinnett, we were born to innovate. We love Gwinnett, and we know other people will if they move here too! We continually invest in workforce attraction campaigns to show why Gwinnett is the best place to live, work, and play. We are actively involved with the Atlanta Regional Workforce Development Board in efforts to increase our highly trained workforce and robust labor market services. We have established a Talent Council that regularly meets to continue aligning educational and training offerings to business needs while creating a lifelong learning experience for people of all ages.

  • Talent Council
  • Workforce Forum

Talent Council

Our Talent Council is a cross-sector collaborative group composed of education, business, government, and community leaders. Our goal is to be the conveyor of people across our workforce ecosystem in Gwinnett County to connect and collaborate on workforce development and talent strategies.

Through our talent council, we have 5 main goals:

  • Support the alignment of business needs to educational offerings for Gwinnettians of all ages
  • Advance work-based learning opportunities and business-education partnerships in Gwinnett
  • Coordinate communication and messaging of existing education, training, and workforce resources provided to Gwinnett employers
  • Identify gaps in Gwinnett’s workforce information, training, education, and resource needs
  • Collaborate on strategies and tactics to retain and attract talent to Gwinnett

If you would like to become a member of our talent council, please contact Deven Cason.

Workforce Forum

Our Workforce Forums are dynamic, sector-specific discussions that focus on addressing the unique workforce and talent challenges across critical industries in Gwinnett County. These interactive sessions cover key sectors, including Advanced Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Logistics, Information Technology Solutions, Health Sciences, and Professional Services.

Open to HR professionals, industry leaders, and anyone passionate about workforce development, these forums provide a collaborative space to share insights, explore solutions, and stay ahead of evolving talent needs. By participating, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, contribute to strategies that strengthen Gwinnett’s talent pipeline, and help shape the future of workforce readiness in your sector.

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Gain valuable insights on inflation, interest rates, recession risks, labor market trends, and more at Economic Outlook on March 27.

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Research Manager